
Ensure all gas cylinders are used, stored, and handled safely and following all applicable Federal and State regulations.

Because gases are supplied in cylinders under great pressures, some as much as several thousand pounds per square inch, they must be used with the greatest of care.

Basic Requirements

When using, storing, or transporting gas cylinders, adhere to the following:

  • Cylinder caps shall be in place when a cylinder is not in use
  • Ensure all cylinders are properly labeled as to the contents
  • Always secure cylinders even if not in use
  • Cylinders shall be kept away from radiators and other sources of heat, Avoid exposing the cylinder to temps above 125 degrees F
  • Adapters or converters shall not be used to convert equipment to different threads
  • Storage of flammable and oxidizing cylinders shall be separated by at least 20 feet or a fire-resistant barrier of at least five feet high and having a fire rating of at least one hour
  • Cylinders shall be transported by hand truck and shall never be moved from one location to another by manhandling or rolling
  • Once a cylinder has been used, it should be clearly marked "Empty" and never stored with other full cylinders
  • Buy only the quantities you need
  • Read all label information and MSDS before use
  • Use and store cylinders in well ventilated areas
  • Rely on the experts (the manufacturer) for advice


OSHA Compressed Gas Compliance


For Overall Program Management:
Peter Skeels
(848) 445-2550