The Rutgers Radiation Safety Committee has approved a uniform security policy.
Security for radioactive materials will be achieved by ANY of the following:

  • Locking all storage areas for radioactive materials (refrigerators, freezers, cabinets, etc.).
  • Maintaining surveillance of radioactive materials while they are in use.
  • Locking laboratories where radioactive materials are used or stored when staff is absent.
  • Challenging unauthorized persons when entering the lab. Question all visitors as to the nature and purpose of their visit.

In most cases, you will not need to make any changes in your lab. In some legacy RWJMS labs, you will not be required to keep your stock materials under lock and key at all times if there is only one entrance/exit into the lab. In some legacy Rutgers labs, if there is more than one entrance/exit into the lab, you may be required to increase security. An evaluation of your lab will be performed at your next radiation safety inspection.

If you have specific questions about the new security policy, and how it relates to your lab, please contact Deborah Hrabinski at or (848) 445-2550.

Patrick J. McDermott, CHP
Radiation Safety Officer