The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) has primary responsibility for oversight of the radiation safety program at Rutgers University. The membership of the RSC includes:

  • Faculty representing the major uses of radioisotopes and radiation producing machines as well as geographical areas of the university
  • A member of the Administration
  • Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
  • Selected staff of REHS assists the RSC as necessary

The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs formally appoints the RSC as well as an alternate member from university administration to act as their representative, and is charged with the following duties:

  1. Review and approve the policies for both the radiation safety program and the Radiation Safety Guide to achieve the following: 
    • Promote conformance with the ALARA philosophy for all members of the university community and the public.
    •  Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.
    •  Promote the sound and environmentally responsible disposal of waste materials.
  2.  Review, as necessary, and approve all authorized uses of licensed materials.
  3. Audit, as necessary, and review the radiation safety program and radiation safety office. This shall include, but may not be limited to, the policies and procedures for controlling and maintaining inventories, RAM possession limits, the procurement and transfer of licensed materials, emergency response, and training of users.
  4. Approve revisions to the Radiation Safety Guide, forms, SOPs, and other documents and procedures without prior notification to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This may include changes required by NRC rule changes; a change in internal management forms; contractors for bioassay, waste disposal or personnel dosimetry.
  5. Ensure that the quality of the radiation safety program is continued.
  6. Adjudicate any differences between authorized users and REHS.

The RSC typically meets at least four (4) times per year. A quorum of the RSC consists of the following:

  • Chair of the RSC
  • Radiation Safety Officer
  • Representative of Management (University Administration)
  • Two other members of the RSC who are authorized users

Any faculty, staff member, or student is strongly encouraged to contact a member of the RSC to discuss any issues of concern regarding any aspect of Rutgers’ radiation safety program.

Member Title Email
Megerditch Kiledjian Distinguished Professor & Chair, Cell Biology & Neuroscience, RSC Chair
Hila Berger Assistant Vice President of Research Regulatory Affairs, Alternate Representative of Management
Patrick J. McDermott Director REHS, University Certified Health Physicist, Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
Robert Bartynski Distinguished Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Paul Copeland Professor and Associate Dean, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Samuel Gunderson Associate Professor, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Adam Kustka Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Bryce Nickels Professor, Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Loredana Quadro Professor, Food Science
David Sleat Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Edward Yurkow Executive Director for Translational Research


For Radiation Safety Committee Management:
Patrick McDermott and Diana Smith
(848) 445-2550