Welcome to Rutgers University!

Biosafety responsibilities across all Rutgers University (RU) campuses fall under the purview of Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety (REHS). REHS provides a full range of safety compliance services. Before arrival on campus a REHS staff member assigned to your building for general health and safety will reach out to you. If you require a biosafety staff point of contact to assist in guiding you through the process of setting up your research portfolio at RU please reach out to the Biosafety team at biosafety@rutgers.edu.

Downloadable Biosafety Toolkit Resources

Download the Biosafety Toolkit Zip Folder for useful resources for navigating biosafety at Rutgers. 

Download Biosafety Toolkit Zip Folder

Biosafety Toolkit includes:
  • Biosafety Responsibilities of PIs at Rutgers
  • What Requires IBC Approval at Rutgers
  • REHS Biosafety Things We Regulate
  • Rutgers University Biosafety Guide
  • Rutgers University Biosafety Related Training Requirements
  • Registering for Initial Laboratory Safety Biosafety Training
  • RU Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Handbook
  • Full Biosafety Protocol Management System (BPMS) Guide
  • BPMS How to Create a New Protocol
  • BPMS IBC Protocol Example

Download printable Regulated Medical Waste Resources based on the space being worked in by clicking the appropriate button below:

Research Lab RMW Zip Folder Clinical Areas RMW Zip Folder

Research Labs RMW Printables:

  • RMW Disposal Table (for research laboratories)
  • RMW Disposal Guide (for laboratories)
  • Packaging RMW for Disposal (for laboratories)

Clinical Areas RMW Printables:

  • RMW Disposal Guide (for clinical areas)
  • Packaging RMW for Disposal (for clinical areas)
Getting Setup with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

The following are all materials requiring Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approval before beginning work. REHS Biosafety Group will assist you with compliance and institutional requirements for work with any of the following:

  • pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi)
  • toxins of biological origin
  • recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids (including if used in animals or plants)
  • transgenic plants/animals
  • prions/prion-like proteins
  • zoonotic biological materials
  • human/non-human primate biological materials (including cell lines)
  • human gene therapy

Rutgers University (RU) utilizes an online biosafety protocol system known as Biosafety Protocol Management System (BPMS). Once an RU NetID has been established for you and you’ve been added to the system by the biosafety office, you’ll be able to access BPMS. PI’s may designate one responsible member of their laboratory to lead or assist with the initial IBC process and/or future IBC submissions. Please email the Biosafety team for access and staff permissions.

Please read the Rutgers University Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Handbook and familiarize yourself with the RU IBC procedures and policies. One such policy listed within the handbook is that before being approved by the IBC to begin work at RU, all employees are required to complete biosafety related training requirements specific to working in an RU IBC approved research laboratory. The REHS Biosafety group administers the IBC meeting and oversees protocol submissions. The Biosafety group conducts a protocol pre-review working with the PI and/or a designated laboratory member to prepare the IBC submission before it is assigned to IBC members, for review at the next scheduled monthly IBC meeting. Protocols may be submitted at any time; however, to be on the next IBC meeting agenda, all pre-review issues/concerns must be addressed within one week prior to the next scheduled IBC meeting. The IBC schedule and pre-review deadlines are located on the REHS IBC Website.

IBC approval is required before IACUC and/or IRB approval will be granted.

Once your initial IBC submission is approved by the IBC to begin work, then you may submit associated IACUC and/or IRB protocols.

View the IBC Website

Starting Laboratory Work

Before starting any laboratory work, the laboratory spaces must be approved by the Biosafety Team. A BioAudit should be requested by emailing biosafety@rutgers.edu once the laboratory space is completely set up to conduct work. Important criteria to have in place are:

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) Services

  • Inquire with building manager, department office administrators, and/or department leadership for details on the RMW pick-up process for your building
    • Ensure this is done for every building your lab uses
  • Supplies can be procured from building manager, department office administrators, and/or department leadership.

Caution Safety Signage

  • Ensure there is a laboratory door Caution Sign on every assigned IBC-related laboratory space.
  • Maintain accurate and up to date contact information using a non-office line phone number.
  • Ensure Biohazard stickers and all other appropriate warning stickers for work being conducted in laboratory space are present.
    • Not all work locations have identical hazards and the caution signs should be tailored to the exact location and work being conducted.
  • Within the “Indicate any special procedures or precautions” field, indicate any additional entry requirements including:
    • Any enhanced PPE requirements beyond eye protection, laboratory coat, and gloves which are automatically covered by the sign as a baseline
    • Enhanced education and/or training
    • Vaccination
    • Medical clearance
      • If using a negative pressure respirator for PPE, this needs to be included
  • Click here to request a laboratory door Caution Sign

Secondary Containers

  • Ensure secondary containers are available
    • They are used for hand-carrying biohazard materials between rooms/buildings
  • Must be constructed to contain all contents, prevent leakages, and adhere to the following:
    • Clearly labeled with biohazard stickers
    • Rigid and shatterproof to provide structural integrity
    • Puncture and leak proof to provide containment
    • Secured with lid
Rutgers University Laboratory Safety Culture

Rutgers University holds laboratory safety culture as a top priority. Please understand that the following are not permitted in any RU research laboratories:

  • Food, plants and/or animals not registered on IBC in any laboratory at any time
  • Cosmetics or Topical Products such as chapstick, makeup, icy hot, etc.
  • Garments that do not protect the lower legs/shins such as shorts.
  • Footwear that does not completely cover the foot such as sandals, ballet shoes, etc.
  • PPE outside the laboratory
    • Please do not allow lab coats, gloves, or other PPE to leave areas not registered on IBC (hallways, bathrooms, walkways, etc.)