REHS performs quarterly or semi-annual inspections of all radioactive material (RAM) locations. When the inspection is completed, REHS provides a copy of the inspection report (which explains the inspection checklist used by REHS and results) to the PI.

Items marked with an X for “unsatisfactory” should be corrected immediately. PIs who receive a Notice of Violation (NOV) as a result of the inspection are required to respond to REHS, in writing, within 2 weeks of receiving the NOV.

Important: The information listed here provides a very brief description of each displayed topic; therefore, please do not rely solely on this list for full details and instructions. For comprehensive, in-depth information, please refer to the Rutgers University Radiation Safety Guide. Additionally, radiation safety information and forms are available on the REHS website.

Contact the REHS Radiation Safety Office with any questions: or (848) 445-2550


The labs listed under the PI’s authorization are approved for RAM work and are subject to inspection.


Per Rutgers security policy, all RAM must be secured, and stock RAM must be locked when it is not in use or under direct surveillance. Lab staff should challenge any unfamiliar people who walk into the lab.

  • If the lab has only one entrance/exit, security can be accomplished by locking the door when no one is present.
  • If the lab has more than one entrance/exit, security can be accomplished by locking the refrigerator, freezer, or other storage cabinet where RAM is stored or storing RAM in a lock box. 
Caution Sign

All entry doors into labs and other hazardous areas must be posted with caution/warning signage that lists all the hazards that the lab may possess as well as emergency contact information. All entry doors leading into RAM labs must be posted with a sign that has the radioactive warning trefoil symbol and the words “CAUTION-RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS.

Caution Radioactive Material Sign
2 Required Postings

REHS will check each RAM lab for the presence of two (2) required postings and replace any that are missing, torn, or out of date:

  1. NJDEP Notice to Employees
  2. REHS Radioactive Material Laboratory Safety Rules (lists Rutgers’ NJDEP RAM License numbers and applicable rules/regulations)
Quarterly Wipe Tests/Use statements

(Only for users of H-3, Fe-55, and Ni-63)

Labs that use H 3, Fe 55, and/or Ni 63 must perform wipe testing for contamination in any calendar quarter that those radioisotopes are used. All wipes must be expressed in units of dpm (not cpm).  The liquid scintillation counter printout sheet (including the date) should be attached to the quarterly wipe test results along with a detailed map of wipe areas.  Areas of contamination greater than 100 dpm above the background must be cleaned, re-wiped, and documented in the wipe test logbook.  NOTE: for a common/shared lab used between 2 or more PIs and their workers, the lab must be wipe tested by each RAM PI every quarter.

MDA / Efficiency

(Only for users of H-3, Fe-55, and Ni-63)
Calculations of minimum detectable activity (MDA) and efficiency must be performed and documented when H 3, Fe 55, and/or Ni 63 are used within a calendar quarter.  MDA should be less than 100 dpm. REHS provides a downloadable Excel spreadsheet (titled Wipe Test Form (Excel) on the REHS website) that will auto-calculate these numbers for the researcher.

Daily Surveys

After every use of RAM, surveys must be performed as follows:

  • Personal survey (includes hands, clothing, shoes, etc.)
  • Work area survey (include bench tops, floors, equipment used, fume hoods, regular trash containers, etc.)

The method of survey equipment will depend on the radioisotope used:

  • Survey meter: for gamma emitters and mid-high energy beta emitters
  • Wipe tests: for low-energy beta emitters

These surveys must be documented a minimum of once per day of RAM use on the Post Experiment Survey Form (available on the REHS website).

Survey Meters

REHS evaluates each lab’s survey meter(s) and detector probes (e.g., G M “pancake-type” detector, NaI probe) to ensure the instrument is appropriate for the radioisotopes used. REHS will verify the survey meter is in working order and that it responds to a known source of radiation. The lab is responsible for replacing batteries and/or repairing the meter if it is out of order.

RAM Waste Labeled

All radioactive waste containers must be labeled with a “CAUTION-RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS” sticker and must have a yellow waste card associated with them that indicates the isotope and approximate activity.  A temporary waste container (i.e., small tabletop acrylic plexiglass box) must be labeled with a “CAUTION-RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS” sticker and either emptied into the primary radioactive waste container at the end of the day or have a yellow waste card associated with it. If the lab supplies its containers, appropriate containers for the RAM must be utilized (see Radiation Safety Guide for more details).

Caution Radioactive Material Sign
Secondary Containment

All liquid radioactive waste containers must be placed in secondary containers capable of containing the entire volume of radioactive liquid in the event of a leak. Proper storage of the container with the lid tightly closed is important. Funnels should not be left in the opening of the waste container.

Proper Segregation

Radioactive waste must be segregated according to the isotope’s half-life (see the REHS website or Radiation Safety Guide for segregation schemes). Drain disposal of liquid radioactive waste is prohibited.

Yellow Waste Card

A Radioactive Waste Disposal Form (“yellow waste card”) must be displayed and associated with each radioactive waste container, with all sections completely documented.

  • Section I lists the Authoree information such as PI name, 4-digit PI number, the building and room number where the RAM waste is located, etc.
  • Section II lists radioisotope, chemical, and activity information. This section is documented each time RAM waste is placed into the container.
  • Section III lists liquid RAM waste and RAM waste summary. List the ingredients of the liquid waste so that the total volume equals 100%. For LSV waste, the brand name of scintillation cocktail must be documented in this section.
  • The card must be signed by an authorized radiation worker.

Eating, drinking, smoking/vaping, and applying cosmetics are prohibited in all labs. Food and beverages shall not be stored in RAM labs. Evidence of prior food or drink consumption (i.e., food wrappers, coffee cups, water bottles, etc. in trash cans) will also result in a NOV.

RAM Practices

The lab should have dedicated RAM work areas that are clearly labeled. Lab personnel should ensure the safety of visitors and non-radiation workers by using general lab safety practices to avoid RAM contamination. Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as double gloves, buttoned lab coats, and safety glasses or goggles, must be worn when handling RAM.  Shorts, skirts, and open-toed shoes do not provide adequate protection against RAM, chemicals, sharps, etc., and therefore, should not be worn when working in the lab or handling RAM.

Shielding shall be used if necessary for certain radioisotopes. Radiation dosimeters, if issued, must be properly worn when working with radioactive materials. Dosimeter badges/rings must not be lent to others or stored near sources of radiation. After RAM packages are delivered to the lab by REHS, the radiation worker must check the package interior and inner vial for contamination (see Radioactive Material Package Receipt SOP on the REHS website).  Before packaging/boxes that are free of RAM contamination are placed into regular trash, all “radioactive” symbols and verbiage must be defaced.  Lead must be wipe tested and meter surveyed for RAM contamination (see Lead Disposal SOP on the REHS website for guidance).

 Radiation Safety Training=UTD

All individuals who work with radioisotopes, including Authorees, must be up to date (UTD) on radiation safety training.  All Authorees/radiation workers must first attend an initial radiation safety training class in person prior to working with RAM as well as complete online refresher radiation safety training annually thereafter. If an Authoree receives a NOV, then the Authoree and all radiation workers must attend in-person refresher training. Visit the REHS website to see the schedule for initial radiation safety training sessions as well as register for initial or online refresher radiation safety training classes.


Each lab shall maintain a written inventory of radioisotopes received, used, and wasted/disposed of. Inventory log sheets that are pre-printed with the PI and RAM vial information are provided by REHS with each RAM package delivered to the lab.  A blank version of the radionuclide inventory log is available on the REHS website as RAM Inventory Log. Additionally, Inventory Verification Reports (IVRs) are emailed to each Authoree every 6 months for confirmation that receipt and disposal amounts are correct and aligned between Authoree records and REHS records. If the IVR is not returned within 2 weeks, the Authoree could be subject to suspension of RAM delivery.

Radiation Survey

REHS will perform a thorough meter survey of the lab to detect any possible RAM contamination (only applies to RAM that is detectable by a survey meter). Lab personnel and/or the Authoree will be notified immediately if RAM contamination is found.